Bikes or Death Ep. 131 - RED GRANITE GRINDER RECAP
Triumph at the top of Billy Goat Hills. Photo credit: Patrick Farnsworth of Bikes or Death
Bikes or Death’s Patrick Farnsworth recaps the 2022 Red Granite Grinder with race director, Shane Hitz, local legend, Chris Schotz, and 144 mile winners Matti Rowe and Maria Statz.
Highlights include:
9-36 min: Chris Schotz, local legend
36 min: Wisconsin drivers respectful of bikers
37-75 min: Matti Rowe, 144 mile 2021 and 2022 winner
42 min: Grinder experience
44 min: Insider insight to Billy Goat Hills
55 min: How Strava friend challenged Matti to Red Granite Grinder
57 min: Winning strategy including a secret weapon for the hike-a-bike
64 min: Overcoming misfortunes
66 min: Strategic attacks
69 min: Aerobar advantages
75-111 min: Maria Statz, 144 mile 2022 winner in her longest ever ride
92 min: Thoughts on the course
111-136 min: Shane Hitz, Red Granite Grinder mastermind
Insights on the mixed terrain and working with landowners
Shane marks one of two dozen private land sections featured in the Red Granite Grinder. Photo credit: Patrick Farnsworth of Bikes or Death
2021 Red Granite Grinder race report
2022 Red Granite Grinder race report - 85 mile by Rachel and Jacob